How to Keep ELMAH_Error Table Rows Getting Too Big by Automatically Deleting Rows

Prevent Log errors from getting Too Big in ELMAH_Error SQL Server Table

I recently ran into an issue with the ELMAH Error logger Table getting way TOO Big in my SQL Server database.  The table row size in the ELMAH_Error table had over 200,000 rows. This was way more than I ever needed to look at, and was causing other issues with my SQL Server database.  So I needed to change the ELMAH_LogERROR stored procedure so that it would automatically delete error log data when the TOTAL Row Count was over 10000 rows, while still keeping the most recent 10000 records for me to be able to review the error messagees. You could very easily change this to 1,000 or some other number depending on how many rows you need to look at in your ELMAH_Error table. NOTE: I'm using ELMAH version 1.2.2 in the example below.

Here's the ELMAH_LogError stored procedure code, that will automatically delete records from the ELMAH_Error table when the row size is over 10,000 rows:

    @Application NVARCHAR(60),
    @Host NVARCHAR(30),
    @Type NVARCHAR(100),
    @Source NVARCHAR(60),
    @Message NVARCHAR(500),
    @User NVARCHAR(50),
    @AllXml NTEXT,
    @StatusCode INT,
    @TimeUtc DATETIME



		DECLARE  @TotalRowCount INT
		SELECT @TotalRowCount = (SELECT COUNT(ErrorId) FROM [dbo].[ELMAH_Error])

		/* Automatically delete error log data when TOTAL Row Count is over 10000 */
		IF @TotalRowCount is not null AND @TotalRowCount > 10000

			-- DELETE all ROWS except the most recent 10000
			-- numbered rows
			WITH goners AS (
				FROM [dbo].[ELMAH_Error]
			DELETE FROM goners
			WHERE rn > 10000


That's it, hope that helps!



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