How to Burn Lots of Calories Running on a Treadmill


Do you want to lose the fat the right way? If you do, then read this article so you can make the most out of your treadmill exercise!

1.) Perform warm up exercises or 5 minute walk before you run on the gym equipment. Never forget to do this step so you can avoid experiencing pain all over your body after your routine. You can raise your knees or stretch your legs to serve as your warm up exercises.

2.) Now, jog or run on the treadmill at a normal pace. Do this step for a maximum of ten minutes. This will help improve your air circulation and strengthen your heart muscles.

3.) Speed up and jog or run at a faster pace. It must be a speed level that you are comfortable with so you would be able to get back to it at any time you want.

4.) Proceed to a medium sprint speed afterwards. Be in that pace for two minutes and get back to your comfortable speed for the same duration.  Perform this for a maximum of 10 minutes.

5.) Have a sprint again now for three minutes and get back to your comfortable speed once again for the same maximum duration.

6.) Increase the duration of your sprint this time by another minute. Perform this step until you completely tire your legs out. It would normally take you 45 minutes before you reach this stage.

7.) Last, get away from the treadmill and celebrate your success!

Additional Tips

Have your treadmill positioned at a half an inch inclination at all times. This would prevent you from having an injury and will keep your knees from aching too much after the routine. Listen to your favorite songs if you have to. They can certainly keep you motivated.

Moreover, work on your intervals. They are the keys to a great treadmill workout experience. Make sure that you get the right transition from your comfortable speed to your sprint pace for you to have a healthy flow of oxygen all throughout your body, especially in your cardiac region.

Just be careful in alternating your exercise routines. You can transfer from one cardio equipment to another but you must be able to withstand the strain from those machines. Endurance run can actually serve as an alternative to varied routines so you might consider doing this exercise a few times a week.



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