How to Cope with a Girlfriend with PMS

Tips on how to deal with a woman on her period.

Is your girlfriend a bit moody today? Well, she might be having PMS or the premenstrual syndrome. As her boyfriend, here are the ways for you to cope up with the abrupt changes in your partner’s emotions:

Prepare for it

1.) It would be better for you to know beforehand as to when your girlfriend will be having her period. You can use your smart phone or simply mark your calendar for this matter. However, make sure that she won’t recognize what you’re doing for she might get offended.

2.) Try to avoid going with her as she fits her clothes during this period. That is because she would most probably ask you if this dress is too tight and if that shawl looks good on her etc. As a guy who’s not into details, you might want to be spared with that.

3.) Don’t give her any unexpected news even if it’s a good one. She won’t be able to fully appreciate it because of her mood swings.

4.) Never tell your girlfriend that she’s just overreacting because of her period. This would certainly hurt her feelings.

Make her feel better

1.) If your girlfriend starts eating all sorts of food during this period, keep your mouth shut and let her be. If she begins to feel that she is gaining some weight, then suggest that you exercise together.

2.) Help her out as much as possible Women who are in the premenstrual period tend to be physically weak so do a few of her chores for her.

3.) Most premenstrual women temporarily lose their appetite for socializing during this period. Thus, ask her permission first before you drag her to any party or physical exercise.

Show your support

1.) Your girlfriend’s premenstrual period doesn’t give her the right to be too immature. Remind her of her limits but say these things in a calm manner.

2.) For you to better understand what your partner is going through, try to imagine what it would it be like to be in her shoes. Be considerate. She is feeling things that you will never experience in your lifetime so try to be more patient with her when she turns to be so indecisive about things.

3.) Stay calm at all times. She might shout at you for the pettiest things but always remember that this too shall pass.

4.) Never argue with your girlfriend on her premenstrual period. It might cause a permanent damage to your relationship.

Additional Advice:

  • Coffee, espresso and dark chocolate are said to be efficient premenstrual symptoms reliever so have your girlfriend try these items.
  • If your girlfriend’s doctor has prescribed her with some medicines, then volunteer to buy them in the nearest pharmacy.
  • If your girlfriend craves for sex during her premenstrual period, then give her that. However, you can scrub her foot or give her a massage as other alternatives.
  • Premenstrual women can really get too irrational so better be prepared for that as well.
  • Your girlfriend can have an abrupt change of mood because of other reasons aside from her premenstrual period. Thus, talk things out for you to know how to make her feel better.


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