How to Flirt with a Beautiful Girl

Learn how to flirt with a girl and get her to like you back without actually telling her that you like her.
by Updated December 8, 2012

How do you get a pretty girl’s attention? Well, here are the 9 steps that you can take to make just about any woman fall at your feet.

1.) Confidently smile at your prospect and choose your flirting technique.

First method: Let the girl talk to you. For example, if she has a Maroon 5 shirt on, then grab your iPod and let her have a view of the band’s songs on your play list. That will surely make her talk to you first.

Second method: Make your move. Ask her name if she’s a total stranger to you and compliment either her dress or her accessories.

If she’s your friend, then ask about your class project or her weekend escapade instead.

Just deliver your flirty lines like you have said them several times already. Laugh with prospect, look her into the eyes and you are certainly on the right track, dude.

2.) Be honest. Don’t try to pretend to be someone else. Women have their way of finding things out so try to impress her with your own personality and not that of those famous actors you see on TV.

3.) Apply humor on the right statements. This can certainly make you appear more attractive to your prospect.

Also, keep your date interested about you. You can tease her a little bit but make sure that you get to know the things that she is sensitive about such as her weight or her deceased parents.

4.) Be a gentleman yet be assertive at the same time. If you have already run out of flirty compliments, then you can take her hand, maintain eye contact and give that dashing smile of yours.

5.) If she seems to be resistant of step no. 4, then take that as a cue for you to maintain your distance and work on gaining more of her trust.

6.) Get to know what makes her happy such as her hobbies. Just let her talk for you not to give her an impression that you are self centered.

Argue with her but do it in a flirty way. This can increase the intimacy between the two of you as long as you don’t strongly contradict her opinions.

7.) Be curious about your prospect. Keep the conversation going by asking her questions. Patiently wait for her reply and be totally engaged in the topic that she’s talking about.

8.) Learn more about a woman’s body language. If she smiles at you a lot, then simply continue your flirty tactics. Position your body close to her, slightly tilt your head and smile.

If her actions are telling you that she’s not interested, then look for another prospect. It’s too early for you to lose hope.

9.) If you haven’t encountered any problems in doing the steps mentioned above, then feel free to ask for your prospect’s contact number. Send a sweet message the very next morning. If you get a positive response, then talk to her over the phone within the week.

If she wants to see a new movie, then volunteer to go with her. This can serve as a romantic date.  You can even dance with her during dinner and kiss her if she’s already comfortable with you.



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