How to Listen to MLB Games on iPhone or iPad

Here's how to Listen to Major League Baseball Games on your iPhone.
by Updated April 7, 2022

Listen to MLB on iPhone

Here are the iPhone apps that will allow you to stream the live radio broadcast of Major League Baseball games of your favorite team or teams on your iPhone or iOS device.

To listen to MLB games on your Apple iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad), download the MLB At Bat iPhone app and MLB At Bat iPad app, and make an in-app sign up for At Bat Premium (small monthly fee), which will give you access to all home and away major league baseball game radio broadcasts.

In order to stream the live audio of Major League Baseball games online you'll need to make an in-app purchase for MLB At Bat Premium (FREE trial), which allows you to listen to every single Regular Season and Postseason game LIVE online (no blackout restrictions). MLB At Bat also gives you access to watch the MLB.TV Free Game of the Day and get In-Game Highlights.

You can also listen to MLB games on your iPhone using the TuneIn Radio app.

MLB Teams Radio Network

List of Major League Baseball teams where you can listen to the radio network broadcasts of MLB games:


Watch MLB on iPhone

To watch MLB games on your iPhone you'll want to get  You'll also be able to watch Major League Baseball games online, or on your HDTV when you sign up for MLB.TV (which includes the At Bat Premium app). To do so, first download the MLB At Bat app for Apple (MLB At Bat iPhone app) or Android (MLB At Bat for Android), then make an in-app purchase for MLB.TV.

To sign up for MLB.TV in the app, do the following: Open the MLB At Bat app -> then tap on the TV screen icon in the upper left corner -> this will take you to the Subscribe to MLB.TV page.

Also see: Listen to Major League Baseball games on Android Phone



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