How to Listen to Saint Mary's Gaels Basketball Games on Radio Network (NCAAB Radio)

How can I listen to Saint Mary's Gaels basketball games on the radio?
by Updated March 20, 2019

Saint Mary's Gaels Basketball

To listen to Saint Mary's Gaels basketball games live check out Gaels All-Access. See all the Saint Mary's Gaels TV Network stations below.

Listen to Saint Mary's Gaels Basketball Games on Mobile Device

Android: To listen to Saint Mary's Gaels games on your Android phone or Android tablet, you'll want to download the TuneIn Radio app for Android. The TuneIn radio app allows you to stream live radio station feeds right to your device so you can listen to college basketball games on your phone.

Apple: To listen to Saint Mary's Gaels games on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, you'll want to download the TuneIn Radio app for Apple.

Saint Mary's Gaels Television

Almost every Saint Mary's men's basketball game will be televised on various networks either through West Coast Conference, Saint Mary's or road non-conference opponent/conference rights agreements. Below is a quick reference chart designed to help locate channels on primary cable/satellite providers.

Network Comcast (NorCal) DirecTV Dish Network
ESPN 38 (SD) / 724 (HD) 206 140
ESPN2 39 (SD) / 725 (HD) 209 144
ESPNU 420 (SD) / 788 (HD) 208 141
CSN-BA (Comcast SportsNet Bay Area) 40 (SD) / 720 (HD) 696 419
CSN-CA (Comcast SportsNet California) 41 (SD) / 721 (HD) 698 409
CSN Plus (Comcast SportsNet Plus) 780 (HD) n/a n/a
Comcast Hometown Network 104 (SD) / 819 (HD) n/a n/a
ROOT-NW (ROOT Sports Northwest) n/a 687 (688-alt) 426
ROOT-RM (ROOT Sports Rocky Mountain) n/a 683 (684-alt) 414
BYUtv 228 (SD) 374 9403
CBS-SN (CBS Sports Network) 418 (SD) / 732 (HD) 221 158
FOX Sports 1 408 (SD) / 731 (HD) 219 150
TWCSN (Time Warner Cable SportsNet) n/a 691 n/a
FSN-SD (Fox Sports Net - San Diego) n/a 694 408




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