How to @ Tag Your Friends on Facebook

Use the @ symbol to start tagging your friends in your status updates on Facebook.
by Updated March 6, 2011

Facebook allows you to tag your friends in your status updates using the @ symbol.  The tagging feature in facebook is similiar to that of Twitter, but you don't need to know your friends "@username" to use the tag.  Instead follow these instructions to tag someone on facebook:

  1. In your facebook status message type the @ symbol and at least the first letter of their name. 
  2. This will bring up a drop down list of your friends that have the letter(s) you typed in common.  Note: The list only shows 5 friends, so you may need to type more letters to narrow down the friends that show up in the drop down list.
  3. Select the friend you want to tag.
  4. Once the friend is selected, the @ symbol will change to the name of the person. 
  5. Then once you share your status message with everyone, their name will have a link back to their facebook profile.
  6. That's it




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