How to Keep Your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch Powered Up for Longer

How do I keep electronic devices like my iPad or iPhone charged for longer periods while traveling?

I just came across a cool external battery pack that will power an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, so you can keep the devices charged up longer periods when on the go.  The external battery pack is called New Trent ultra high IMP880 8900 mAh External Battery Pack.  Not only does the Trent battery pack power Apple devices, but it also works with Motorola Droid, HTC Andriod Phones and Blackberry devices like the curve, bold, tour and storm. 

It seems like this external battery pack would be perfect for anyone who does a lot of traveling and does not have access to outlets to recharge their devices.  The battery pack could come in really handy on a long plane trip where you are constantly using your iPad or iPhone to listen to music or play games.

Here are just some of the Technical Details:

  • 50 hours movie time for iPhone 4 and 20 hours movie time for 3G iPad
  • Compatible with 3Gs 3G iphone, 2G 3G 4G iTouch and blackberry bold curve
  • Ultra reliable Lithium-Ion battery, 500% iPhone 4 Battery life, 80% 3G iPad
  • Ultra light weight 250g, dimensions: 4.3"x2.5"x0.8" 

At any rate, I just thought this New Trent ultra External Battery pack seems pretty cool.  They also have a number of other versions available to check out, which seem to all get very good reviews.




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