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Difference between Voltage and Current?

Electricity’s Voltage and Current

1 Answer

Current and voltage are all part of the electricity, how it flows and how much power it exerts. We have to know and understand voltage and current especially their differences to learn how electricity works.

According to Ohm’s law, the voltage between two points is equal to the resistance of the element multiplied by the current that runs in it. Current is the flow or the electric charge that runs in a certain element while voltage is the electrical potential difference.

As what is mentioned earlier, current is the flow of electricity through a medium from one point to another. It is like a hose that transfers water from a tank to another tank. If the hose is small, there is greater resistance making the current flow slowly, but if the tube is big, there is less resistance which makes the current flow faster or stronger.

Voltage is the measurement of electricity. It is the potential energy of the electrical current. To help you understand further, let us look into this analogy. There are two water tanks, one tank has more water compared to the other. Think of their difference in water content as voltage difference. From the higher water content or the higher voltage potential, electrical flow will move from it to the lower electrical potential until the two water levels equalize. Voltage is very much affected with the resistance present in the current. This is because the transfer of voltage from one point to another will be affected with the resistance in the current. For example, a low voltage battery in a high current will perform similar to a high voltage with low current.

There is high importance in knowing how to work well with electricity especially with how voltage and current works. This is because we use electricity everyday and it is a part of our daily needs. Aside from that, improper usage of this resources will cause great damage and fatalities.

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