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What's the Connection between Sleeping Patterns and a Person’s Intelligence?

Is there any corralation between a persons Sleeping Patterns and a Person’s I.Q.?

1 Answer

The Connection between Sleeping Patterns and a Person’s Intelligence

Individuals who are considered as intelligent based on their high IQ levels are seen to have the tendency to sleep during late hours and rise later in the morning as well. A London School of Economics research has verified this statement and its findings have indeed shown that individuals who possess a nocturnal characteristic are able to perform effective brain processes. However, this gift comes with a corresponding curse. Another research has shown these people tend to be more anxious and depressed and they can’t be fully relied on compared to individuals who sleep and wake up in the earlier part of the day.

Additional trivia about sleeping patterns:

A person tends to have a nocturnal type of sleeping pattern when he or she is still within the 17 to 21 age bracket. Once a person goes beyond that period of growth, then he or she will eventually be able to wake up early morning in the morning and sleep early as well.

A particular study has shown that a more than average percentage of sleeping patterns all over the world is determined by a person’s genetic make up. Thus, if both of your parents tend to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, then you are most likely to inherit that trait from them. If they don’t, they you get the same attitude too.

There are a few individuals who find sleeping either a habit that’s hard to break or something that’s hard to do. They sleep for more than 2 occurrences in one day and some of them sleep for a few minutes only. These people are what experts call as polyphasic sleepers. Leonardo da Vinci belongs to the well known personalities who have this kind of condition. He was said to sleep for a maximum average of only 2 hours on a regular basis.

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