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Where to sell my old Blackberry?

I want to sell my blackberry online and get decent cash. Hassle free transaction and most of all safe. Thanks for your responses.

3 Answers

Amazon has an electronics Trade-In program that you can sell back your old BlackBerry, iPhone, or Android phones. It's very hassle free, and if the blackberry is fairly recent, you should get back some decent cash. They also have a trade-in for Books, CDs, and Video Games. They will essentially give you an Amazon gift card for your trade-in, which is basically like cash (if you buy things from amazon a lot).

Here's where you can get started, and find out how much you'd get for your old Blackberry:

I suggest
This site is incredibly simple to use. Upon visiting the site you will be directed to select the device you want to sell from the list of items currently being accepted. You will then answer a series of clear, easy questions that will indicate the basic condition of your device, including whether you will be sending the charger and battery, and whether it works. Within thirty seconds you will be given a quote, then directed to request postage paid, return addressed shipping materials. All that’s left to do is to pack and send your Blackberry, then wait for payment.

I sold 5 of my obsolete electronic items including an original iPhone that was cracked, a water damaged BlackBerry, and my recently retired iPad 2 that I had cracked by stupidly dropping it. I went through their site's catalog to find each of my items then sent them in using one of their pre-paid (free) shipping labels. I chose to get paid via PayPal since I trust their security and speed as I have used PayPal a ton in the past. Long story short, I was paid exactly what their site stated within 3 days from shipping my items in. I simply couldn't believe it. Some of the other 'buy back' sites have tried playing games before by saying an item I say is in good condition is really in poor or a similar excuse. American Buy Back didn't boss me around or anything like that, instead they simply paid me and made the entire experience stupidly simple. I would recommend them to almost anyone. Check them out at Have a good one!

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