Answer Question
How can find out someone is looking at my profile on facebook, I know I had ten fb stalkers looking at fb but I couldn't open it up! Please help! Thank you! Kim
Yes, you have to look at Code Source then hit CTRL and G then type in viewer and look for the right numbers then paste those first numbers behind the back slash after the word Facebook then go see the profile reported yours, do this first thing when you get unblocked.
Since I allowed the Timeline app, a new face appears in my friends box.he never was there before...he shows up every other refresh.why
How does Facebook determine which Friends appear on your Facebook Profile sidebar?
How do the 6 friends photos at the top of Facebook Timeline get choosen?
How are the 8 friends pictures chosen in your Facebook profile Timeline?
How does facebook determine which friends to display on chat?
What does the "Last Active" time stand for on Facebook Messenger mobile app?