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Can i listen to NFL games on iphone?

Is there an iPhone app that allows you to listen to NFL games?

5 Answers

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

To listen to NFL games live radio broadcasts on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch you'll definitely want to download the NFL Mobile app or get NFL+

If your iPhone carrier is Verizon then you'll definitely want to check out the NFL Mobile app from Verizon, which lets you Listen to Live Audio of All Games (Spanish where available) and get Live Gamecenter with play-by-play breakdowns for free.  Also if you have upgraded to the Verizon Video subscription you can also watch the NFL Network as well as the Sunday, Monday and Thursday night games live on your phone using the NFL Mobile app.

You may not be able to listen to all the NFL games from one iPhone app, but the ESPN radio iPhone app does in fact stream games that are on ESPN radio station networks.  With the app you should be able to listen to Cleveland Browns, NY Jets, and Washington Redskins games. TuneIn radio ipad app. You can search for your favorite teams flagship radio station in the app, to get live gameday streaming as well as pre and post game shows.

Also check out: Listen to NFL Games on iPhone

For NFL teams radio stations check out: Listen to NFL Games Live Online Radio Broadcasts for Free


"Best" iPhone radio app: TuneIn Radio app

iPhone sports radio app: ESPN Radio app

Asker's Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Thx, the ESPN app and TuneIn Radio apps are both great apps for football fans!

I don't believe so. From what I understand, the NFL has signed an exclusive with Sprint. Unfortunately, there is no app like MLB 2010 which allows you to listen to any game currently being played (with the option of home or away radio broadcasts).

You may luck out if you can find a sports radio station that forgets to switch their feed over once a game starts. I've been able to catch a a few games like this here or there but I believe the NFL frowns upon this.

The other option is if you have a Sirius/XM account, there's an app that allows you to stream content to your iphone.
Apple App Store and various Google searches

You can listen to Buffalo Bills games on your BlackBerry or iPhone using the 97 Rock app.

Yes. TuneIn works perfectly. Use the browse feature, select sports, then select NFL, and it will show you the broadcasts from around the country. Often you have two options per game--one stream from the home team's radio network and one from the visitor's. I'm a diehard NFL fan and have always been able to get the game I want. I used it all season this year, including the playoffs. You can also use it for other sports, college and pro, as well as many other categories.

MFC.. you are wrong. All local NFL radio networks terminate their stream as soon as the official Network broadcast of the game starts. What Anonymous said above is correct; sometime stations neglect, either on purpose or by accident to terminate their stream and you can listen that way. Last year the Packers Radio Network must have clamped down, I never found one game to stream.

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