Answer Question
Chiquita banana will typically, keep green bunches of bananas in temperature-controlled boxes of 58 degrees, while shipping bananas to stores. A temperature of 58 degrees delays ripening.
Place bananas in a cooler place. They tend to ripen quicken when they are in a warm climate area. Place in the freezer even the peel will turn brown but the fruit will still be good.
I use a product called Green Fresh Bag. I bought them at the dollar store I cut of the woody ends off and put the bananas in the Green fresh bags which will absorb and remove the ethylene gas then I put them in the frig..
Wrap banana stem with foil paper
I been storing them in a Rubbermaid 2 Quart container with a top, to protect it from the occasional rodent in my kitchen with apples and seems to slow down the brown.
Can bananas be stored in plastic wrap?
How you can keep sliced bananas from turning brown?