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How did the term “Irish Twins” originate?

What is the Origin of The Term “Irish Twins”?

1 Answer

The Irish people were often associated with negativity and are often described as dirty, uncultured, uneducated, and a shame on the society. The terms being used that relates to the Irish people are often insulting and rude. That is why for those who know nothing about such terms should be careful in using them.

Back in the days when Irish population have migrated to England and United States, they were often associated with negativity and people in these countries have made different terms insulting the Irish population. One of these is the term “Irish twins.” Irish twins are babies that are born with the same mother in less than a year’s interval. This is an insult that refers to the Irish Catholic families that are fertile and unable to use contraceptives as well as lack of ability in proper family planning. Aside from that, “Irish triplets” is a common term too that refers to 3 siblings born successively within 3 years. Oftentimes, Irish families are large families with close gaps.

This creates financial issues for families since having a lot of children is very difficult to handle. On the positive side, Irish siblings, probably due to their close gap[s, are very affectionate with each other and their bond is stronger compared to other siblings from other nationality.

There are also several offensive terms that are being used t refer Irish people. This includes “Irish kiss.” It is not a kiss but rather a slap on the face. This would refer to the notion that Irish people are uneducated and has no proper decorum in the society. Another popular term is the “Irish confetti” which refers to thrown brick. Still, the term refers to the Irish people being barbaric with no etiquette.

It is very important to know these terms as well as the origins so that we will avoid insulting different societies that may share similar history.

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