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How late in the day does UPS deliver packages to your home?

What time of the day does UPS stop delivering packages to your home during the day? Just wondering if the UPS drivers stop delivering by a certain time like 5 or 6pm?  What are the UPS delivery hours of operation during the week and on the weekend?

13 Answers

During the week (Monday thru Friday), most UPS Ground packages are delivered to residential addresses between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. In some cases, it's when the driver gets done with their deliveries for the day, which may go past 7:00 pm.

On Saturday, UPS does offer Saturday Delivery for time-critical shipments but packages must affix a Saturday Delivery sticker to each envelop or package.

Saturday Delivery commitment times depend on the shipping service you choose:
  • UPS Next Day Air® Early A.M.®:Guaranteed delivery one hour later than the guaranteed weekday delivery time, as early as 9:00 a.m., based on destination
  • UPS Next Day Air®:Guaranteed delivery by 12:00 noon or 1:30 p.m. where weekday shipments are delivered by 10:30 a.m. or 12:00 noon, respectively, based on destination
  • UPS 2nd Day Air®:Guaranteed delivery by end of day for shipments picked up on Thursday, based on destination
  • UPS Worldwide Express® Plus:Delivery based on destination
  • UPS Worldwide Express®: Delivery based on destination

On Sunday, UPS does NOT do any regular residential deliveries.


It is the Christmas season, but, we got a package at 9:55 last night in southern Indiana


Its 9:32 in south fl and still haven't got mine and it says it was supposed to have delivered at 8

If it says your package was "Delivered", then I would look outside for it (ex. Porch, Front walkway, or garage, etc.). If the delivery guy is really busy, they might NOT bring the package up to your front door and ring door bell. UPS drivers are usually really good, but FedEx drivers seem to do this much more often. –  Answers  Dec 12th, 2015 at 4:18 AM


My daughter had someone knock on her door at 1:40 am today to find a delivery from UPS. Do they deliver at 1:40 am and wake someone up?

Highly doubtful UPS would ever deliver a package at 1:40 am, much less knock on the door. I'd be very skeptical of anyone knocking on my door that late at night. –  Answers  Sep 14th, 2016 at 4:11 PM


If the tracking number says it's coming today will it come for sure today?


How late should I wait up for a package from ups

Typically, you shouldn't have to wait any longer than 7pm. During the holiday season, they may end up delivering packages past 8pm if UPS is running behind. –  Answers  Sep 2nd, 2017 at 7:19 PM


I live Chatham Illinois and I have got my package around ~7:30 pm But it did come as promised by end of day.


The end of the day for the delivery truck is when he is done delivering the packages


UPS Ground packages are generally delivered anytime Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (and sometimes later) to residences, and to business addresses during their normal business hours Monday through Friday. UPS Ground packages cannot be scheduled to arrive at a specific time of day. UPS express shipments have guaranteed delivery times that vary by service. Track your package for an up-to-date status.


I just had a delivery at 8:00 PM yesterday. No kidding. Driver said he only had another hour to go before he could stop and go home.


they will deliver until the last package is done!! I've been out until 10pm! another driver I knew was out until midnite on xmas eve!!!


they stop delivering at 9pm


omygosh!! I just finished watching Tampa Bay Giants game, kept looking out the window for UPS Truck, brusing my teeth wondering if I should leaving the driveway light on,,, then at 948pm, i heard the truck!!! I walked out in the full moon light to greet the driver and wish him well, thank him... he was so friendly and jovial. He still had 15 more stops to go in Aspen area, but of 167 deliveries all day, it was certainly like like Christmas week, not too far away. Well, THANK YOU UPS- customer from Aspen Glen.

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