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How to find perfect Web Host for our Website?

2 Answers

There are lots of web host providers in the market. From personal experience. I’ve used Hostgator for my website and I’m totally satisfied with their web hosting services, they provide attractive plans for shared hosting and VPS hosting. It is one of the top leading hosting service providers. It is also very reliable. It has many good features such as Good Uptime, Affordability and Fast Speed. It also offers shared hosting, dedicated hosting and reseller hosting.

Hi i hereby given some tips on how to find perfect web hosting provider
1) First you have to make a list of best web hosting companies.Find them through forums or some other ways.
Find at least 5 companies on internet.Have a glance at those sites then decide if its worthy or not
2) Check the plans and features provided by that site.
3)Compare the price.
4)Company Existence
5)Customer reviews
if these factors satifies your needs,then you can choose that particular provider.
These five factors are satisfied by this provider,
so i have chosen that. You can also get web hosting plan from this site.

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