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Is the city of Venice actually Sinking?

Is it true that Venice, Italy is Sinking into the sea?

1 Answer

Venice is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in the world. It is a majestic city that is known for its large canals and amazing buildings. People in Venice have boats and canoes as main mode for transportation. There are also raised bridges for people to walk on safely.

There has been a lot of talk about this beautiful city being submerged in water. Unfortunately, experts already see it coming. For the past centuries, the water levels in the city have risen for a few centimeters per century. Alarmingly, for this century alone, water levels have risen to more than 20 centimeters. This is a shock and is a cause for alarm among experts. Common reason for the rapid increase of water level is of course, global warming. Globally, sea levels have risen and dry land has become increasingly small. With the melting of the ice caps on the poles, Venice faces major threat of becoming a city under water.

Venice is a city made over marshlands with large canals plus lagoons just off the coast of Italy. The canals are the trademark of this majestic city that is now being threatened of flooding and increased water levels. The myth of Venice sinking has now becoming a foreseeable truth. During heavy rains and high tides, people living in Venice suffer the increased water levels and make their day-to-day living stressful.

Officials are now trying to find ways to solve this problem. Steel gates were discussed to keep the floods away. This project is estimated to cause billions of euros. The gate may stop the flooding of Venice but surely it is never permanent. With problems such as these, there are often no permanent solutions. Overtime, this beautiful city will become a beautiful part of history where people once lived.

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