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What are the best Blenders?

What are the best Blenders that have the top reviews in consumer reports?

2 Answers

The top 5 blenders reviewed by Consumer Reports, that will whip up smoothies, crush ice and puree vegetables are as follows:

Top 5 Blenders Ranked
1. Vitamix 5200
2. Hamilton Beach Tempest HBH650
3. Oster BCBG08
4. Breville ikon BBL600XL
5. L'Equip 228

Note: Don't be tempted to buy blenders with high watts or tons of speed controls.

The Oster 4093 Classic Beehive Blender is a great blender. It basicly has 2 speeds... plus low-speed pulse function for just the right amount of control. It's great for whipping up smoothies really fast, and chopping through ice. The only downside is that it's pretty loud, but that's because its really powerful.

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