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What are the best iPhone apps for Capturing Video and Video Editing?

Which are the best iphone video editing apps? What are the top video capturing and editing iPad apps?

1 Answer

Here's are a list of 5 of the top iphone and ipad video apps for capturing and editing video.

1. iMovie - Video app from Apple that allows you to edit videos, add music, photos and other sound effects right on your iphone or ipad. The app has built-in themes for titles, transitions and soundtracks, as well as nine built-in trailers for creating a preview for your film. Once you done editing your video they can be immediately uploaded and shared on video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

2. Splice - This iphone video app lets you create and edit videos and add music, photos, visual effects, audio mixing to make the best video. The app also has advanced tools like slow motion, video trimming, sound effects and borders.

3. Pixorial - A video app for capturing and uploading high-definition videos to a number of social networks, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Blogger, and also sync your videos to your Google Drive account..A premium account (optional) gives you up to 25GB of storage for your videos, and includes video editing features.

4. Socialcam - Is an iphone app that lets you share your videos with others very easily in this popular video app. The videos you take on Socialcam are stored in the cloud, so you can watch them anytime and on any device you want.  The app also comes pre-loaded vintage filters and lets you share your videos easily on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
5. iSupr8 - This video app gives you the look of old Super8 cameras. The app adds old-school effects to your videos that give it a retro feel.

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