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What are the Causes of Dizziness?

Digging Deeper Into the Causes of Dizziness?

1 Answer

All people experience dizziness at some point in their lives. Some experience it frequently, while others only rarely. Dizziness may be caused by a stressful day at work or it can be a symptom of a fatal disease. Therefore, people experiencing this kind of symptom should never take it lightly.

One common cause of dizziness is daily activities that may have caused a sudden drop in the blood pressure. These activities may include standing right away from a sitting or lying position or right after a heavy meal. Our brains need oxygen and blood to function well, with this sudden drop of blood pressure, blood supply is not enough in the brain, causing temporary dizziness. But this is not dangerous. The effect is only temporary and the person will be relieved from dizziness within a few minutes.

As mentioned earlier, dizziness can be a symptom of a fatal disease. It could be as varied as any neurological diseases to heart diseases. People who have high blood pressure will experience dizziness because the vessels are constricted, giving inadequate blood and oxygen supply to the brain. Parkinson’s disease and even diabetes can have this symptom. Some drugs also have dizziness as a common side-effect. Sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs are common.

Dizziness is classified into three types based on the nature of the symptom. The 1st type is known as vertigo. Vertigo is characterized by losing balance and spinning sensation. This is often caused by infection in the inner ear which can affect our balance. Syncope is another type of dizziness commonly experienced. It is when the blood pressure lowers down rapidly because the person stands right away from a sitting or lying position. The non-vertigo syncope, the last type of dizziness often happened when there is already a problem in the balance. This type of dizziness increases when the person moves around.

Even though the causes of dizziness ranges from simple to severe, people should always take this symptom seriously and seek medical help. It is advised that a regular check-up is needed to rule out diseases.

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