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What are the Differences Between a Legume and a Nut?

Can you Compare and Contrast a Nut and a Legume from one another?

1 Answer

Nuts and legumes are among the most common food that is often eaten and treated as snacks, part of a dish, or nibblers. These two are very common since they are also one of the most common allergens in the Earth. Many people are allergic to nuts and a lot of people experience other physiological effects when they eat legumes, especially the older population. Here, we are going to compare and contrast nuts and legumes to avoid confusion and clarify their differences.

Nuts and legumes are both enclosed in a shell and both of them have seeds. They look similar since both of them have shells that encase the seeds. With their similarities, these two types of plant-derived food have quite a number of differences.

The first difference that we can notice is the number of seeds in a shell. Nuts only have one seed. Some nuts have 2 seeds in one shell. Unlike nuts, legumes have quite a number of seeds in one shell. Oftentimes it has more than 6-12 seeds that can fit in the shell or casing. Another thing to recognize a nut from a legume is the attachment of the seed to its casing. If the seed is attached to the inner wall of the shell or casing, then it is a legume and not a nut. If the seed is not attached to the inner wall, often loose and just fit perfectly inside the shell, then definitely it is a nut and not a legume.

Legumes are “dehiscent” which means that they have one side of the casing that allows smooth opening to get the seeds out. This is commonly observed among peas and string beans. Legumes are often used in cooking, often mixed with vegetables and meat. Legumes are known for its high protein content making it a popular ingredient in some of the dishes.

Nuts on the other hand are popular as a snack and appetizer. There are quite a number of nuts that can be used as an appetizer. People love to munch on nut snacks and oftentimes it can be eaten raw. It has different tastes and textures and can sometime be used in cooking too.

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