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What are the Origins of “Hump Day” Wednesday?

How did "Hump Day" Wednesday come about?

1 Answer

During a common work week, Wednesdays are considered as “hump day” simply because they are at the middle of the week. Picture out a hill, the highest peak is Wednesday, although some people may argue about this depending on their work week schedule. “Hump day” is a term used in modern American English that symbolizes the peak of the week nearing to the weekends.

Mondays are always dragging, visualizing a hill; the upward direction refers to Monday and Tuesdays. By Wednesday, the work week is already half in the week, preparing for the descent to the weekends. For people who work 6 times per week, they often argue that Thursday is the “Hump day.” But no matter what day the “Hump day” is, the idea is that people will reach the middle of the week wherein they are able to perform at their best and they are less stressed because they know work week is almost over.

Wednesdays are often associated with negative image. Oftentimes, during the old days, Wednesdays are perceived as a bad day to bear children. Children born on this day always sad or may have a life of misery. Other accounts say Wednesdays are called unhappy days or unlucky days. Seemingly this sounds unfitting for a very cheerful representation of a “Hump day” for Wednesdays. The thought sounds contradictory between the “unlucky” Wednesdays and the “Hump day.” It shows that people with different beliefs, cultures, and socializations view same ideas in different ways.

“Hump days” whether Wednesdays or Thursdays, are a great relief especially to those people who are working very hard to support their families. Reaching the middle of a very tiring work week would make their tiring job a lot easier since they know rest days are near. They become more efficient at work and happier in their workplace.

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