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What are the signs of a Sociopath?

What is a Sociopath? What Is a Sociopathic Person?

1 Answer

Although, the term sociopath is no longer how they describe this disorder, sociopath is a person who has an antisocial personality disorder. In which, the definition is exactly the term they use now. Sociopath is now ‘antisocial personality disorder’

Symptoms of a Sociopath:

• The main symptom is not caring about the rights of others and the violation of others
• Antisocial Tendencies
• Unable to come into terms with what society defines as a normal personality
• Physical aggression
• No commitment
• Shows no remorse in his or her actions

Listed above are all possible signs of someone who is a Sociopath. However, keep in mind, even though this person has the symptoms, they may not be present at all times. He or she could be someone who is very kind and sweet. However, like stated, this can change all of a sudden. Acting in a friendly manner is kind of used as a way of ‘blinding’ you so you don’t really see the real them at that moment in time. You may see this pattern of behavior around the age of 15 and if not treated, it can lead into adult hood. However, this usually goes away after age 30 for most.

Alcohol and Drug use:

This is a common problem among those who are Sociopaths. They tend to abuse these substances to actually get more out of their antisocial personality. Sociopaths have low self-esteem and of course, they turn to drugs and alcohol for this problem. Sociopaths believe the world is in their hands and they are risky while thinking everything is based on their terms or rules.

Causes of becoming a Sociopath:

The cause for one to develop such a disorder is because of genetics and or environmental. Children can inherit these traits from their parents or caretakers if they see their role model engage in such behavior.
This disorder can affect anyone. However, it is more common in men than women. Only 1 % of women have this disorder while, 3 % of men have it. Sociopaths normally don’t seek help unless it is with someone who they trust. To overcome their tendencies, they usually get help through group therapy.

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