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What does Linsanity mean?

What is the meaning of Linsanity on facebook or twitter?

2 Answers


LINsanity (or LIN-sanity) refers to undrafted NBA Basketball player and Harvard grad Jeremy Lin (the first Asian-American basketball player), who's 4 game rise took him from total obscurity to a NBA break out star in just a few short days starting on February 4th, 2012, when Lin posted 25 points against the New Jersey Nets. He then went on to put up 28 points against the Utah Jazz on February 6th. On February 8th, he scored 10 points, while helping lead the Knicks to another win. Then on February 10th in front of a packed house at Madison Square Garden, Lin scored a career high 38 points against the Los Angeles Lakers, solidifying that LINsanity is for real.

Lin was buried deep on the Knicks bench a little more than a week ago, without a guaranteed one year contract, but has come out of nowhere to led the Knicks to their fourth straight win, tying their longest streak of the season.

Until this week the 23-year-old Lin was spending his night's on the couch in his brother's one-bedroom apartment on the Lower East Side. On Tuesday, the Knicks guaranteed his contract.

Here's an overview for those not familiar with "Lin-sanity":
- He was a great college player at Harvard but wasn't drafted.
- He was cut by 2 NBA teams before the Knicks picked him up.
- He was probably the 4th point guard on the Knicks depth chart.
- The Knicks have been terrible this year and are currently without their 2 best players (Amare Stoudamire and Carmello Anthony)
- The Knicks have now won 5 straight games with Jeremy Lin playing big minutes (including 4 starts).
- The 89 points he scored in his first three starts (including Friday) got him a historical distinction. They are the most scored by an NBA player in his first three starts since the NBA-ABA merger 1976-77.
- Everyone loves him.

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