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What is a Tar Heel?

What does Tar Heel mean?

1 Answer

Tar Heel (or Tarheel) is a nickname applied to the state and inhabitants of North Carolina. There is a town in Bladen County, North Carolina, named Tar Heel. "Tar Heel" is also the nickname of the University of North Carolina athletic teams, students, alumni, and fans.

The exact etymology of the nickname is unknown, but most experts believe its roots come from the fact that tar, pitch and turpentine created from the vast pine forests were one of North Carolina's most important exports early in the state's history.

Because the exact history of the term is unknown, many legends have developed to explain it. Many believe it to be a nickname given during the U.S. Civil War, because of the state's importance on the Confederate side, and the fact that the troops "stuck to their ranks like they had tar on their heels".

The term "Tar Heel" gained popularity during the Civil War.

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