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What is considered Good Social Etiquette?

How do you define Good Social Etiquette? How can you show The Right Skills at the Right Time?

2 Answers

Social graces and etiquette have played a great role in our lives as it allows us to be socially acceptable in our societies. When we converse or interact with others, we have to remember or graces and social skills while doing such. Unfortunately, changes in the society have changed the views as well as the practices of many. One of these practices is the proper way of saying appreciation such as “thank you” and replaced by a statement, “no problem.”

Some people, especially the younger generations may view these two statements as something that is altogether the same, thereby using the terms incorrectly. The word “thank you is the most acceptable since it conveys sincerity as well as humility. It definitely shows the graces that are most acceptable in the society. This statement is among the oldest line that states appreciation and humility.

Unfortunately, the newer generations are now busier compared with the kids way back then. The term “no problem” actually entails the same meaning as “thank you” but it can be mistakenly thought of as something rude. The words “no problem” may show a different meaning other than the very humble “thank you.” It would pertain to as very informal and may mean the person is not inconvenient in other way. Saying “thank you” is more formal and widely accepted.

Studies have shown that more and more people now use “no problem” statements which shouldn’t be case. In social graces and etiquette, it is very important for one person to know what he or she has uttered but unfortunately, these statements were becoming more popular and are believed to be beneficial too all. While most of the people just ignore the statement, a large number of people would tend to follow the statement and use it in a very inconvenient way.

Social etiquette is to make every effort to avoid the embarrassment and discomfort of others, such as not asking a lady her age. In may opinion definitions overlap each other. There is Polite, a breach of etiquette impolite, and rude,

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