"Tin is the traditional material for the 10th wedding anniversary.
For a unique gift, give a love poem or favorite picture in a tin or pewter frame. We like the '10' tin frame to the left or the pewter frame in the righthand column. Pewter is an alloy that is 85-99% tin so this material is also still on theme. Pair your frame with a red rose for that extra touch.
For the modern material aluminum, home decorations such as a framed mirror adds unique elegance to a room. Historically, the aluminum material may have once included aluminum cookware so feel free to substitute an anodized or stainless steel set instead. The aluminum tipped flowers to the left would also be a unique idea.
When looking for gifts to give your wife, particularly on a special year like the tenth anniversary, if your budget allows, give consideration to the idea of diamond jewelry - the alternative modern material. If you really want to stay totally on theme, try artistic jewelry that combines tin and diamond, such as the 'twist' pendant to the right.
In the case of jewelry, we would recommend artistic tin or pewter jewelry, white gold with diamonds, or platinum. Jewelry is a great gift for marking a special anniversary like the 10th because she will think of you every time she wears it."