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What makes Greek Yogurt different?

What is Greek Yogurt known for?

1 Answer

Greek yogurt is a very awesome treated and a lot of people love to indulge in this kind of dessert. Unlike the common yogurt, Greek yogurt is known for its creaminess and thick texture that is not found in the common yogurts we have. Authentic Greek yogurt that is made from Greece is often made from a sheep’s milk giving its authentic tangy taste yet makes one tasty treat. People who aren’t familiar with Greek yogurt may found the sheep’s milk too tangy for their taste. To remedy this problem, US-based Greek yogurt products are made from cow’s milk.

Sheep’s milk or not, the secret of creating the Greek yogurt comes from the straining process which involves using a muslin cloth. Its purpose is to strain off the whey, this process creates the creamy and thick texture each Greek yogurt is known for. Unlike the common commercial yogurt, Greek yogurt is consistent with its texture and thickness.

There are quite a number of companies that manufacture Greek yogurt. One of them is Fage which makes Greek yogurt straight from Greece. This makes the product more authentic. fage uses cream and milk although this may not be a favorite among those who wanted to shed off pounds. One cup can contain about 260 calories. But the product has become a favorite treat of many, some may even try to eat Greek yogurt made from skim milk, but the consistency, taste, and thickness is never the same.

Restaurants have been using Greek yogurt as a dip in exchange for cream. Greek yogurts are perfect as dips and it is never wise to use the common yogurt to use as dips together with cucumber, garlic, and many other spices.. Since Greek yogurts are made with an extra process, it is often more expensive than the common yogurts. Depending on the brand and probably where it was made from.

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