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What month has the most birthdays?

What months of the year have the most Birthdays? Top months for Birthdays.

2 Answers

In 2010 more newborns arrived in September than in any other month. In recent years, August and September are the top months for birthdays. With that said, October 5th is considered to be the most populous birthdate.

The months with the highest birth rates in 2010 were:
1. September
2. August
3. June
4. July

In 2006, August was the top month for birthdays. Here are the rest of the rankings and percentages:

1. August - 9.07%
2. July - 8.80
3. September - 8.62
4. October - 8.60
5. March - 8.51
6. May 8.30
7. January - 8.25
8. June - 8.15
9. April - 8.12
10. December - 8.07
11.November - 7.96
12.February - 7.55

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