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Why do Jews use G-d Instead of God in Jewish Writing?

What is the Reason Behind The Use of G-d Instead of God in Jewish Writing?

1 Answer

A Jew is required to never spell out God’s name simply because of what I found in Deuteronomy 12:3-12:4. In this part of the Torah, Moses told the Jews to eliminate all of the things which symbolize their foreign gods. However, they should preserve the image and holiness of their God. Thus, they replace God with G-d in their writings for them to prevent its name from being damaged by other people.

Actually, the concept of using G-d in Jewish writings came from the Jews’ interpretation of what Moses has instructed them. That’s how much they value the name of their God that they wouldn’t allow anyone to abuse it by ravaging, throwing, erasing, scribbling, crossing out or tearing the paper where it was written. The use of G-d allows gives more freedom to a writer in expressing one’s thoughts. Aside from G-d, Jews also use the names El Shaddail, Elohim, YHVH and Hashem in referring to their God. These names also have their abbreviated forms in Jewish writing.

Actually, the Jews can spell out the full name of their God on a few circumstances. Their Bible which is Torah is the perfect example to the exception of the rule. The Christian Bible’s first 5 books are also among the scriptures which have God’s full name on them simply because the creator must be recognized for the wonderful world that He has made. As long as a writer respects God’s entity, then he or she is allowed to carefully write the Majesty’s full name on paper.

The community of Jewish people are also adapting to the change of time. They are now allowing writers to type G-d in their laptops and PCs. However, they are still not allowed to have their documents printed. Writers are also given the privilege to delete G-d in their automated word processors. This action may not be widely accepted yet but it isn’t a sin to do so.

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