How to Enable Caps Lock on the iPhone

Can you capitlize every word on an iphone?

In case you wondering how to turn on Caps Lock on the iPhone, well you're in luck, because there is a way to do it.  Here's how to enable Caps Lock on the iPhone:

  1. Tap the 'Settings' app
  2. Select the 'General' menu.
  3. Then scroll down and select the 'Keyboard' menu.
  4. Now make sure 'Enable Caps Lock' is turned ON.

To actually use Caps Lock on the iPhone follow these steps:

  1. While using the keyboard on the iphone, double-tap the shift key (the shift key is the 'up' arrow key).
  2. This will enable Caps Lock and the shift key will glow blue.
  3. Now you can type with all upper case letters.

To turn off caps lock, just tap the shift key once.



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