How to Fix “Validation (): Element ‘xxxxx’ is not supported” Visual Studio 2010 (VWD 2010 Express)

by Updated July 9, 2010

So yesterday, I started getting green squiggly line validation warnings at design time on ASP.NET server controls within the HTML Design view for my Visual Web Developer 2010 Express project in Windows 7. Essentially, intellisense on all the ASP.NET server controls would not work, but the project would compile successfully.  The validation warnings on all server controls had the following message when hovering over the green squiggly line:

Validation (): Element ‘xxxxx’ is not supported.

So in this case 'xxxxx' would stand for a ASP.NET server controls (ex: asp:label, asp:textbox,asp:dropdownlist).

In order to fix this Validation/ intellisense issue in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express on Windows 7 follow these steps:

  1. Close down Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.
  2. Go to Control Panel -> Appearances and Personalization -> Folder Options -> then select the View tab.  Now make sure "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" is selected and click OK.
  3. Now browse to the following location:  Computer -> OS (C:) -> Users -> {username} -> AppData -> Roaming -> Microsoft -> VWDExpress -> 10.0 folder.
  4. Now delete the "ReflectedSchemes" folder.  This should fix "Validation (): Element '' is not supported" error for ASP.NET server controls within Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.
  5. Open Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and open your project, which now should have intellisense working correctly for ASP.NET server controls.

To fix this Validation/ intellisense issue in Visual Studio 2008 or VS2010 on Windows 7 follow these steps:

  1. Close down Visual Studio 2008 (or Visual Studio 2010).
  2. Go to Control Panel -> Appearances and Personalization -> Folder Options -> then select the View tab.  Now make sure "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" is selected and click OK.
  3. Now browse to the following folder:  Computer -> OS (C:) -> Users -> {username} -> AppData -> Roaming -> Microsoft -> VisualStudio -> 9.0 folder.  Note: in Visual Studio 2010 would be 10.0 folder.
  4. Now delete the "ReflectedSchemes" folder.  This should fix "Validation (): Element '' is not supported" error for ASP.NET server controls within Visual Studio 2008.
  5. After reopening your Visual Studio 2008 project, you should now have intellisense working correctly for ASP.NET server controls.

NOTE: You may also need to delete the 'ReflectedSchemes' folder within Users -> Classic .NET AppPool -> AppData -> Roaming -> Microsoft -> VisualStudio -> 9.0 folder, to fix "Validation (): Element 'xxxxx' is not supported" error for ASP.NET server controls within Visual Studio 2008.

If you're using Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista or XP, the location of the 'ReflectedSchemes' folder should be located at: C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ReflectedSchemas




anonymous by alaa9jo on 8/31/2010
Thank you very much,your post helped me.
anonymous by Jermain Gordon on 8/31/2010
This was EXCELLENT! I have been struggling with this for the last 5 days. This worked perfectly.
anonymous by mehmet on 11/16/2010
thanks this worked also for me
anonymous by harry on 2/1/2011
OMG thank you this was driving me nuts!!
anonymous by hugol on 2/8/2011
Thank you. How have you found out this was the culprit?
anonymous by Neil K on 5/10/2011
thanks. you saved my day !
anonymous by lvu on 7/12/2011
Thanks..That did it! Got rid of the thorn to my side!
anonymous by Howie on 7/29/2011
Thanks, that was annoying. You'd think that by 2011, all the kinks would be worked out of VS.
anonymous by Ryan on 9/12/2011
THANK YOU! Maybe it's just me, but the fix was a little less than obvious. Don't know why I wasted time troubleshooting on MSDN.
anonymous by Manju on 10/25/2011
Thank you very much......
anonymous by John on 1/21/2012
good tip, unfortunately I don't have a ReflectedSchemas folder. The issue started up for me when I joined a domain with a roaming documents policy. (I don't know which would be the culprit.) When I log into a non-domain account, asp controls are recognized just fine. In both cases, All accounts have administrator access.
anonymous by Hery He on 3/7/2012
Thanks a bunch. It's so helpful.
anonymous by Bernhard St. on 5/8/2012
Thank you very much!!!
anonymous by bbastin on 5/24/2012
Excellent man.. how did u tracked this :)
anonymous by prasanna on 8/8/2012
Thank you very much. it helped alot.
anonymous by Rajashekar on 8/16/2012
Thank you very much it worked fine for me.
anonymous by Nikunj on 9/11/2012
anonymous by David on 10/3/2012
In WinXP:
Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAMEApplication Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ReflectedSchemas
anonymous by Amit on 10/22/2012
Thanks, It's really working
anonymous by CyberAngel on 10/23/2012
Thank you very much for your solution.
anonymous by Bhavin on 12/6/2012
Thanks ,this post helped me
anonymous by Daniel Tonucci on 1/24/2013
Unfortuatly this didn't work for me. Found the folder deleted it. didn't work. Any ideas?
anonymous by SoniTek on 3/16/2013
Thanks. Save me from potential hours of research for fixes.
anonymous by ID on 7/31/2013
having the issue with Visual Studio 2012. These steps solved nothing in my case.
anonymous by Anon on 9/4/2013
On Windows 7, using Visual Studio 2010. Don't have a ReflectedSchemes folder anywhere but have this problem. Any other likely causes?
anonymous by Unais on 9/19/2013
Great work Man, Bowing ma head...
anonymous by Rodrigo Araújo on 12/2/2013
Muito Obrigado !!!
anonymous by vijay on 4/27/2015

its great

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