How to Control Your Appetite to Lose Weight

Tips for Controlling Your Appetite
by Updated September 3, 2010

Controlling your appetite is the single most difficult task of implementing a clean eating diet or lifestyle change. Grazing can lead to excessive weight gain as you don't realize the actual caloric intake throughout the day.

Drinking at least 8 to 12 oz. of water throughout the day (or more if you are physically active or working outdoors) will ensure that you keep your body hydrated. Often, dehydration is associated with feelings of hunger and may cause you to snack unnecessarily. Remember, thirst is a sign that you are already dehydrated so be aware of drinking as often as possible.

Eating five or six meals per day spaced roughly at two and a half to three and a half hours apart will allow you to eat the most food while keeping your portions under control. Not only is this effective as a means of controlling calorie intake, but you will be effectively boosting your metabolism to burn as much calories as possible per day. You will have constant nourishment which will help eliminate the tendency to overeat and control your appetite between meals.

Increasing your fiber intake at your meals will also ensure that you are fuller for longer. Often, the types of food which are chosen at your meals will be the cause of hunger only a short while later. By including more fiber rich foods such as whole grains and vegetables, you will effectively decrease spikes in your blood sugar levels leading to less cravings.

Adding a source of protein, whether it plant based or a cut of lean meat or fish, will also help you stay satiated for longer. Protein naturally takes more calories and time to break down, so pairing it with fiber can make a huge difference in the lengthening of digestion time.

There are also certain foods which help curb appetite. Heart healthy fats work great as appetite suppressants. Pine nuts, for example, are high in polyunsaturated fats and contain pinolenic acid which is a naturally occurring hunger suppressant. Flax seeds which are loaded with omega-3 fats contain nearly eight grams of fiber with a one ounce serving and are a great addition to foods such as oatmeal or protein shakes.

A more controversial method to controlling your appetite is with the use of appetite suppressing supplements. These suppressants promote feelings of satiety and diminished appetites. It is not advised to utilize suppressants as weight loss can be achieved more easily with an increase in activity or exercise.



1 Comment

anonymous by Debbie Shockley on 9/27/2009
isn't there something a person can do besides drinking a lot of different things to?

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