How to Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently

by Updated May 21, 2014

Your account in Facebook can be temporarily deactivated. However, if you want to permanently delete it from the social networking site, then you would just have to do the following steps.

Temporarily Deactivating It

1.) If you are still uncertain of your desire to permanently delete your Facebook account, then you have the option to go for a temporary deactivation so you can still retrieve your information in the future.  To do so, login to Facebook -> go to Account Settings -> Security -> then click Deactivacte your account. -> then select a reason for leaving and click "Confirm"

Permanent Account Deletion

1.) Open your Facebook account and go to its deletion settings. You would be prompted with a message that will remind you that deleting your account is something that you can never undo.

2.) Do everything that the system requires you to do such as keying in the needed captcha code, your email and password as well.

3.) After submitting those details, you have 2 weeks to retrieve your account. You just have to log in again on Facebook for you to do that. After 2 weeks of not logging in, your account will finally be removed from the system.

Email Them

1.) Send an email to and ask them to close your social network account.

2.) Wait for a few days until Facebook acts upon your request. They would respond to your email once that happens.

3.) If 7 days have passed and you haven’t received a reply, then send them the same email once more. Send your request to, cc and

4.) You’ll know once your account has already been deleted from the system once you can no longer log-in with your account information.



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