How to Install Google Adwords Editor on Vista when you get Error 2739

Google Adwords Editor install fix for Windows Vista.
by Updated June 4, 2009

Are you having trouble installing the Google Adwords Editor on Windows Vista? I was getting a pop-up "Error 2739" every time I went to install it on my Vista machine. Here's a the solution that worked for me, and allowed me to successfully install Google Adwords Editor on my computer. 

Here are the steps:

1. Make sure you are logged into Vista as an administrator.

2. Open Command Prompt (All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt).

3. Type the following: cd  C:\Windows\System32  and then press Enter.

3. Then type: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and then press Enter.
You may get a pop-up error after hitting Enter (I did), but the install still worked.

4. Type: regsvr32 jscript.dll and press Enter.
This time I received a "success" pop-up for correctly installing regsvr32 jscript.dll. (You may receive an error pop-up).

5. Now try installing Google Adwords Editor again. This time it should install successfully without any errors.

If you receive the 'Error 2739' when removing or repair Google Adwords Editor, go through the steps above, then try removing it (or repairing).  I had to do this to successfully remove Google Adwords Editor from my computer.



1 Comment

anonymous by Rome Saranto on 11/27/2008
Thanks for the walk through that worked great.

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