How to Make Your Relationship Work

by Updated December 3, 2012

Are you constantly fighting with your partner? If you are, then this article would certainly help you save your most valued relationship.

1.) Simply love the person. If you were just attracted with your partner when you first got into the relationship, then learn to fully love that individual. Love is one of the main ingredients of a successful relationship. Thus, show to your partner your undying commitment by doing meaningful gestures and by even saying sweet little nothings.

2.) Compromise with your partner. You don’t call each other “partners” for no reason at all. You may see things differently but that doesn’t mean that you can’t settle on a common ground.

3.) Avoid shouting at your partner. Violence just makes things worse all the time. Issues remain unsolved for both of you refuse to calm down and make ends meet. Thus, just stay calm. You would soon realize that resolutions are achieved when you talk to your partner with an open mind and heart.

4.) Be concerned with your girlfriend or boyfriend when the situation calls for it. Be attuned to his or her emotions and if you have accidentally caused the person to be upset, then accept that fact. Say sorry when you have to and don’t let your pride destroy the relationship that you have worked so hard on.

5.) Don’t use your partner’s weakness. It’s an evil thing to do. Don’t give him or her the cold shoulder when you know how much it kills them inside.

6.) A relationship is a give and take process. Thus, you need to interact with your partner. Why would you be committed to someone if you want to be alone in the first place?

7.) Love’s not a test so why cheat? Don’t do unto others want you don’t want them to do unto you.

8.) Make your partner feel secure about the relationship by communicating with him or her personally or through any form of technology.

9.) Consider your partner’s opinion all the time. Remember that the relationship isn’t all about you.

10.) Value the trust that your partner has given you. Never take it for granted. Moreover, don’t be a domineering partner if you don’t want your loved one to feel suffocated in the relationship. Also, try to compliment your partner most of the time. Be grateful to them as well.

11.) You might eventually lose your interest towards your partner as the years go by. When that time comes, all you have to do is fall in love with that person all over again by going out on dates more often or by planning special surprises for your partner that would certainly bring both of you back to memory lane.

12.) Sometimes, words aren’t enough to make someone feel that you truly love them. Thus, be more expressive. Hug and kiss your partner as often as you can.

13.) Keep in mind that you and your partner are the “writers” of your own love story. Thus, you shouldn’t try so hard to be like those celebrity couples. Be contented with your loved one and everything else will just fall into place.

14.) Be a hopeless romantic. Special dates and surprises make the relationship more interesting so try to be creative as in putting your partner in awe every single time.

15.) Work on the relationship. Long lasting commitments need the efforts of both parties to help it endure any sort of trial that may come along the way. There isn’t a definite formula for a perfect relationship but you and your partner can certainly have one if you are both willing to see it through the end.

16.) If your partner discloses something with you, then you should keep it within yourself. If you’re someone who loves to gossip, then learn to treat your partner’s experiences as an exception to your habit. By doing so, you are showing your partner that you respect what you two have and that he or she can trust you with just about everything.

17.) Breaking up with each other is not the ultimate solution to the problems in your relationship. You need to discuss your issues one by one for you to work things out.

18.) Learn to spend a day without each other’s company. It helps you maintain your identity and it allows you to enjoy your hobbies as well.

19.) After spending time apart, it’s now time for you to spend quality time together. Know each other inside and out for you to establish a relationship that can last for the years to come.

20.) Let honesty govern your relationship. Let it be the solid foundation of the love that you have for each other for you to be able to have a relationship that’s free of judgment and doubt.

21.) Be each other’s support system. Be a partner that’s completely reliable. Be someone that your loved one can count during the most devastating time of his or her life.

22.) Learn to trust your partner at all time. This will make him or her a loyal person which would be beneficial for your relationship as well.

23.) Be emotionally open to your partner. This results to a more effective communication inside the relationship. It adds more value to the connection that you have with each other.



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