How to Transfer iPhone Information to iTunes on New Computer

Ways to sync iPhone to New Computer.
by Updated November 28, 2012

Transferring your media files from your iPhone to your iTunes is as easy as counting 1, 2 and 3. Listed below are the steps that will let you do just that.

Use Senuti or Sharepod

If you are using a Mac computer and you want to transfer thousands of songs, then you can apply Senuti which can cost you $19. If you don’t like to spend any money, then you can try looking for the older but free version of the software. This is certainly available over the World Wide Web.

If you’re using Windows, then apply SharePod for you to be able to have all your ring tones, voice recordings, video and music play lists transferred to your PC’s iTunes. Take a look of our other article which explains the migration of media files from iOS to a PC for more details about the software versions mentioned above.

After this step, you can sync your computer to your iPhone by following these steps:

  • Connect your PC to your iPhone with the use of a USB plug. Look for it on the iTunes sidebar and click on the tab that states “Music”. Click on the "Sync Music" button for you to have all of your media files re-sync. Just wait for a minutes for the process to be completed.

If you want to transfer your applications and data to iTunes as well, then you would just need to do the following steps:

  • Establish a connection again between your PC and iPhone. On the left sidebar, look for "Transfer Purchases" by using the right-click.
  • Allow all your apps to be transferred to iTunes.
  • On the sidebar, select your iPhone, click on the tab that states “Apps” and choose the "Sync Apps" button. Ignore the pop up message that will appear after you click the box for all your data are already secured in iTunes.
  • You may have to rearrange your apps on your iPhone after this step but you easily do that in just a few minutes.

The steps in this article may be a bit confusing at the beginning but we believe that you would be able to perform them accurately as time goes by. Simply read them carefully. Moreover, have a reliable backup drive next time for you to reinstall your previous iTunes library instantly and have it re-sync with your iPhone once again.



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