How to Turn Off Alexa Delivery Shopping Notifications with Product Names

by Updated August 28, 2018

If you own an Amazon Echo or Echo Dot and have Shopping Notifications enabled for amazon, you may hear the product names when you ask "Alexa, What are my notifications?"  Since you may not want this, there is a way to turn off the product names from being said in Alexa notifications.

Here's how to turn OFF Alexa Delivery Shopping Notifications so it does Not include Product Names:

  1. Open the Amazon Alexa (iPhone) app or Amazon Alexa (Android) app
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Then go to Notifications -> then Shopping Notifications
  4. Now next to "Give product names, notifications", tap to Turn Off

Once that is turned off, Alexa will no longer give the names of products in delivery notifications.



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