How to Un-mute Speaker Volume in Windows (Vista & 7)
February 18, 2010
Muted volume in Windows Vista.
Click the mute button to un-mute speaker volume on a Windows computer.
No longer getting any sound from your computer? Well the fix for this could be as simple as un-muting the volume control in Windows. I've mistakenly muted the speakers on my laptop many times, due to accidently hitting the volume mute button on the front edge of the laptop and then wondered why I couldn't hear anything. My volume would be muted for a day or two without me realizing it. To turn off mute on a Windows computer follow these steps:
- In the lower right-hand corner of the Windows Taskbar, just next to the Time (and Date), single click on the Speaker icon (if muted the speaker icon will have a red circle-backslash symbol covering it partially, meaning "no" sound).
- A volume control box will pop-up, click on the Mute button to un-mute the speaker volume.
- Also make sure the volume levels are not turned way down, otherwise you may not hear anything even if you un-mute the speaker volume.
- Now just click anywhere on your computer and the volume control box will go away.
- That's it!