How to Listen to Major League Baseball Games Live Online Radio Broadcasts (MLB Radio)

Where can I stream MLB baseball games live online for free?
by Updated April 7, 2022

Listen to Major League Baseball Radio

Find your favorite MLB team's radio station, whom broadcast and/or streams MLB games online.  Below you'll find the official flagship radio station and links to other radio network affiliates for the Major League Baseball team so you can start listening to the games on the radio or streaming online or on your iPhone, Android phone!  To find the radio station listings for each MLB team and to start listening to the baseball games live online just click on a team listed below.

List of Major League Baseball teams where you can listen to MLB games radio broadcasts locally and online:


To watch MLB games online see: How to Watch Major League Baseball Streaming Online.

To listen and/or watch MLB games on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, you'll want to check out the MLB At Bat iPhone app or MLB At Bat iPad app. If you're an Android user you can watch games with the MLB At Bat for Android or listen to MLB games on your Android phone with TuneIn Radio app for Android.




anonymous by Jack on 10/5/2014

Did you purposefully not attempt to check if this works? MLB forces the online streams of those radio stations to be reruns while the real radio signal (only available within that area) plays the MLB game for free. You CAN NOT stream a game by just streaming the station. You need to find a way to stream the live air signal, NOT the online stream.

anonymous by KeithE4Phx on 4/14/2021

From what I understand, MLB Audio has moved to SiriusXM for 2021. TuneIn Premiuim has lost all game feeds from all professional sports over the last year. My understanding is that they don't have the money to pay for the rights.

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