How to Stop Wasting So Much Time on Facebook

Steps to help you not waste time browsing Facebook.

Most of us use Facebook for several reasons. Moreover, almost all of us are guilty of spending too much time on the social networking website. Well, we can’t be blamed. Facebook provides us with all the news that we need and it easily allows us to communicate with our friends. Nevertheless, staying on the Facebook website for the whole day is not healthy at all. Thus, here are 6 ways on how you can minimize your log in time in Facebook.

1.) Use your phone to serve as your timer every time you open your Facebook account. You can also use an actual timer for this step. Set it to alarm after 15 minutes to prevent you from spending hours and hours in front of the computer.

2.) Make sure that you appear offline to all of your Facebook friends in their chat box. This will prevent you from doing other unnecessary things in the social networking website. Besides, if your friend has something very important to tell you, then he or she would still send you a message even if you are offline. You are free to respond these types of messages when you're ready.

3.) If you really want to minimize the amount of time that you spend on Facebook, then you should avoid playing any games in the social networking site. You should also stay away from using those third-party applications that Facebook has. Moreover, you can make updates to your profile, but don’t do this several times a day. That is really unnecessary.

4.) If you have connected your email with your Facebook account, then you should choose the option that would stop the website from sending emails to your mail account. This way you won’t get distracted with your work when your email account is open. Don’t allow the activities happening in Facebook disturb you when you’re in your workplace or when you’re in school.

5.) Don’t pay attention to the requests that your Facebook friends are sending you. Ignore them even if they came from your best of friends. They are probably about something insignificant and probably bear no significance to your actual life. So avoid checking the details of requests during the day because often times it will take up precious minutes of your day and get you side tracked.

6.) If you find yourself spending the same of amount of time on Facebook after doing all of the steps mentioned above, then your best bet is to deactivate your account. Because it's clear you can no longer control your Facebook addiction and leaving your account active will only bring you more trouble. You should make this choice and find other hobbies that are worthy of your time.

Learn to prioritize your tasks and do things that you need to do and not those that you want to do.




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