How to Watch Atlanta Braves Games Streaming Live Online without Cable (MLB TV)

Where to watch Atlanta Braves games streaming online without cable TV?
by Updated June 9, 2022

Watch Atlanta Braves Games

Atlanta Braves games can be watched online on your PC, smartphone, or on your big screen TV without paying for cable TV. Braves games are televised on the teams flaghip TV station Bally Sports Southeast and Bally Sports South or shown nationally on Fox, ESPN, FOX, FS1, TBS and MLBN.

If you no longer have cable TV or don't live in the surrounding Atlanta broadcast area for Bally Sports Southeast and Bally Sports South, you can still watch Braves games streaming online. Here are the best ways to watch Atlanta Braves games without having to pay a huge cable bill.

Ways to Watch Atlanta Braves Games

1) TV Channel / Cable: Atlanta Braves Flagship TV station(s): Bally Sports Southeast and Bally Sports South

2) Streaming Media: Amazon Prime Video, ESPN+

3) MLB.TVMLB At Bat iPhone app or MLB At Bat for Android


Watch Braves on Apple Devices (iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad)

To watch Atlanta Braves games live on your Apple device download the MLB At Bat iPhone app and MLB At Bat iPad app then sign up for MLB.TV.  MLB At Bat features a MLB.TV Free Game of the Day, and in-Game Highlights. With an MLB.TV All Teams subscription your can watch every out-of-market game. You can also listen to Home, Away and Spanish-language (where available) radio broadcasts.

Watch Atlanta Braves on Android Devices and Kindle Fire Tablets

To watch to the Atlanta Braves on your Android phone device use the MLB At Bat for Android. To watch the Atlanta Braves games or other Major League Baseball games online you'll want to sign up for MLB.TV.

Watch Atlanta Braves on Amazon Prime / Fire TV 

You can also watch Braves games on Amazon Prime Video. To watch on your HDTV with Amazon Fire TV, simply download the MLB At Bat app to your Fire TV stick and sign up for


MLB.TV Yearly and Monthly subscribers are able to watch both Home or Away video broadcasts. Whether your team is at home or on the road, never miss your favorite announcers calling your team's game. You can also Listen to every regular season and Postseason game LIVE online and on supported iOS and Android devices with no blackouts. Choose home, away, or alternate audio.

NOTE: "All live games streamed on any MLB.TV product and available through At Bat are subject to local, regional or national blackouts. If a game is blacked out in an area or available exclusively via Facebook as described below, it is not available for live game viewing through MLB.TV. If you are an MLB.TV subscriber within an area subject to blackout, the applicable game will be available as an archived game approximately 90 minutes after the conclusion of the game."

Listen to Atlanta Braves Radio




anonymous by Annette on 3/5/2021

Last year I purchased the MLB app so I could watch the Braves and could not watch because of blackout issues. If you are willing to pay you should be able to watch all games

anonymous by 94CD4 on 3/23/2021

Time for the Braves to yank the tv rights away from those sleazeballs at Sinclair Broadcasting. They are trying to rip off the cable and streaming networks.

anonymous by DWM on 4/14/2021

Fine, Braves management. If you put $$$ ahead of Braves fans watching the games, then you will end up with NO BRAVES FANS! "Out of sight, out of mind." I lose more interest with every game I'm not allowed to see for free on TV.

anonymous by Fran on 5/23/2021

I agree with DWM

anonymous by Walter Wilson on 6/25/2021

Grow up Broadcast Stations. Stop showing the Braves is a poor decision on your part. Unless your desire is to wipe MLB baseball out of our Atlanta Market.. Then again it is a tremendous strategy to destroy Major League Baseball in the South. Braves Owners and Players, we the Fans want what’s best for you.. Allowing the Multi-Millionaires to stop allowing your local fans will destroy the Atlanta Braves Home City Fans .. Please Listen!! We care!

anonymous by Tom on 7/19/2021

I agree that making people subscribe to to a service in order to watch their beloved Braves will cause them to just walk away and find some other form of entertainment. And that's Ok by me. There are plenty of alternatives.

anonymous by tommy on 7/24/2021

sad that the fans of eastern nc have to settle for balt or wash.. love the ol days when tbs was money hungry..

anonymous by Michael Anderson on 8/18/2021

Bseball in Georgia is losing its fans because of the availability of viewing. As usual, greed before believing in making happy fan following.

anonymous by april clark on 8/27/2021

i got hooked watching the braves when i first got sling tv then fox took it away and i only get to see them once in a blue moon. brave owners tell these money hungry companies to give us our baseball. i even purchased the sports package but still gets blacked out. pretty please!!!!

anonymous by Stella Smith on 9/5/2021

We used to be big fans of the Braves but everything I've tried including Bally sports. Com has not worked. We are losing interest and it is only hurting the Braves baseball team

anonymous by Thomas on 10/2/2021

be nice to stream braves for a fee without cable

anonymous by CRW on 10/23/2021

I used to be a big Braves fan. My Dad took me to my first game in 1968. In my thirties I had seasons tickets behind home plate. The rabbit ear tv in my house watched every game. Now? I've tried to figure out how to watch it on internet tv.... not gonna pay to see it only to be blacked out at some a$$ hole's discretion. After what MLB did to Atlanta... never watching a Brave's game again. Get your ridiculus profits from somebody else's pocket. Not gonna come from mine.

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