For me, it is the bottom two on the right that stay the same. My friends box is on the right side of my profile, so perhaps it's different if your friends box is on the left side of your profile.
I recently did several 'experiments' and found that these two spots belong to my #2 and #3 FB friends.
So, the 8-people look something like:
Random | Random | Random | Random
Random | Random | Friend #1 | Friend #2
The randoms rotate, but the two in the bottom right never move, unless they happen to be in the random 6-person rotation.
I'm not sure how your top FB friends are determined, but it probably has something to do with FB interaction - not sure whether mutual or not. When you view your timeline, the 8 people who appear in your friends box are different for other people who look at your page.
There are also 6 friends who appear in a tiny thumbnail grid. These come from a list of 25 friends (Facebook's chosen 'top friends') and rotate. Refresh the page, and the 6-person grid is rearranged, swapping in and out people of the top 25.
If you want to figure out how FB ranks your friends, there is an experiment you can do (time consuming) which was first conducted by Brendan on another thread (as not to steal credit):
1. Put one of the 25 friends that show up in the box on your Acquaintances list. They will no longer show up on in the six friends box, but a new friend will pop up. The new friend is #26 in Facebook's ranking. Repeat to find friend #27, #28, and so on.
2. Once you get up to Friend 50, you can find the rankings of your first 25 friends by putting Friends #26-#49 (24 friends) in Close Friends. They'll show up in the six-box with Friend #1. Then put Friend #1 in Acquaintances and repeat, you'll get Friend #2 showing up.
When I did the experiment, I noticed that when I moved my #1-25 friends to "acquaintances," my #26 friend took the #1 spot - that is what tipped me off that the two bottom right spots are your top friends - whether or not by common pictures, common fb stalking, one-way fb stalking, similar groups, etc. - I don't know.