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What are some Tips for Choosing Cocktail Attire?

What is considered Cocktail Attire?

1 Answer

Tips on Choosing Your Cocktail Attire

Cocktail attire is generally something that’s in between casual and formal. An event that calls for cocktail attire can vary depending on the venue and the occasion but there are standard pieces of clothing that can be worn such as a trendy top and matching skirt or a cocktail dress for the ladies and slacks or a dark suit and a sport coat for men. Overall, one should not wear anything that makes one feel conscious or uncomfortable or else one will not be able to enjoy the event at all.

For the Ladies

Ladies generally have more choices when it comes to outfits. For cocktail attire, dresses and skirts are typically short or a little above the knee. Another alternative would be a stylish pair of pants coupled with a cashmere top or silk blouse for a classy look.

The standard choice is a cocktail dress which can range from flashy to strapless to the conservative little black dress. Remember that the outfit should fit the event, so an elegant dress is often a better option than a dress that is too short or too revealing.

Knee-length cocktail dresses are good choices, but if a lady chooses to wear a top and a skirt, a longer skirt is more suitable. A dressy top can be paired with a jacket. Since cocktail events suggest fun, she should not wear something that will make her look stiff and business-like.

Trendy boots or high heels are perfect with cocktail attire. A lady’s outfit should be the center of attention; therefore the height and make of the shoes should be simple and elegant. Flip-flops and sneakers are a big no-no; she can choose something like chic sandals or nice-looking ballet flats instead.

Accessories are better kept to a minimum with cocktail attire. Something that can accentuate the entire outfit should suffice like a cocktail watch, ring or a pair of earrings. If a handbag is to be used, it should be small and can vary from an evening bag, clutch bag or a wristlet.

For the Men

Men in general have simple requirements when it comes to cocktail attire, although there is some room for flexibility. For most cocktail events, a man can wear a dark suit or an outfit comprised of well-pressed pants, a crisp dress shirt, a sport coat and a tie. In other less formal events, he can forego the jacket and just wear a suit without the tie, although it’s always safer to bring both in the event they are needed.

Some cocktail events allow flexibility like weddings and celebrations. A man can wear decent dark jeans with a jacket, as suggested by some style experts. Another option is a sweater or a sweater vest over a dress shirt which can be worn with or without a jacket.

A polished pair of professional looking loafers or leather lace ups should complete a man’s cocktail outfit. He can add an stylish pair of cufflinks or a handsome wristwatch if he prefers. A man should definitely look sharp and handsome when choosing his cocktail attire.

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