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What is the India Delicacy known as Poppadoms?

Poppadoms, India’s Delicacy?

1 Answer

Each country has their own culture and tradition that is carried on to the next generation. Food is part of culture which shows the different uniqueness of each nation.

In India, a flatbread called “poppadom” is the most popular. Just like Korean’s kimchi, poppadoms are in every Indian dining table. Sometimes called as “poppers” poppadom is actually made of flour and formed into a flat bread. In traditional India, a lentil flour is used to give it a more Indian authentic flavor and texture. Sometimes, chicken flour or urid flour can be used for varying texture. Different ingredients can also be added to give more flavors.

Sill similar to kimchi, poppadom can be used in every dish. An uncooked poppadom is perfect to mix in with soups to give a richer and creamier texture. Large poppadoms are perfect with meats and vegetable rolls. But the usual serving for poppadom is small flat bread served in a platter to compliment the dishes. Oftentimes, these small flat breads are dipped in different sauces or topped with sweet fruit chutney and vegetables.

If poppadoms are made into much smaller and crispier versions, then they are perfect to mix with happala or commonly known as the South Asian butter. Black gram, jackfruit, and tapioca are among the most common ingredients to be mixed with the poppadoms. The best thing about this delicacy is that the ingredients are very versatile that you can just mix it with anything you can mix. Whether its fruit or vegetable, meat or fish, it would be perfect for this fine Indian delicacy. You can even add egg or walnuts. Different exotic fruits and vegetables ca be used as a complimentary dish with poppadom.

Poppadom has become a symbol of women’s strength since most of the time women cook within will make sure everyone can dine in.

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