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Why is the Same Side of the Moon always pointed toward the Earth?

Why Do We Always See the Same Side of the Moon? Why does the moon always face the same side when looking at it from earth?

1 Answer

From earth, we can see the moon, but why is it always the same side? Sometimes this is referred to as the dark side, but in actuality, it is not dark at all. Much like the earth, it experiences both day and night. The more accurate term should be the far side. Because the moon rotates on the same axis and at the same interval as the earth, we can only see one side. This has been true throughout our history and most likely for thousands of years before us.

The reason the moon and the earth coincide in this nature is because of the tidal lock. Because of a joint gravity force, the moon and the earth generate tidal bulges on one another - one bulge meeting the other body and one bulge meeting the opposite side. These bulges create hot temperatures when rocks rub together which transforms into a larger orbital energy for the moon. This means that the moon is gradually getting more distance from the earth and over a period of time they draw off energy from the motion of the momentum of each other, generating a decelerating outcome.

Since the earth is far greater than the moon, the earth controls the moons decelerating outcome. Progressively over time, the moons rotation will decrease until the rotational rate compliments the earth. At this point the tidal bulge will spin around the body. Presently, tidal bulges can be found in the same rotational position as the moon, signifying that a balance has been accomplished.

Because of tidal forces the speed at which the earth rotates has decreased over time. The decelerating outcome however, is less significant. For the moon to be seamlessly matched, the earth requires only to rotate one time every month, or lunar cycle. It is only then that the same side of the moon can be visible to us on from earth.

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