How to Download and Install iOS 7.0 on your iPhone (or iPad)

Tips to install iOS 7.0 on to your Apple iPhone or iPad device.

Today Apple released it's latest operating system, iOS 7.0 for iPhone and iPad devices, along with the newest version of iTunes 11.1.  So to get the latest and greatest iOS for your iPhone or iPad here's how you can download and install iOS 7.0.  NOTE: Just be sure you have a recent Backup before installing iOS 7.0, so if anything goes wrong during install you can Restore your iPhone (or iPad).

To download and install iOS 7.0 directly from your Apple iPhone or iPad do the following:

  1. From your Apple iPhone (or iPad) device tap: Settings -> General -> then Software Update
  2. Make sure you have at least 3.1 GB of free storage space on your device or else Apple may not let you install iOS 7.0.
  3. Tap "Download and Install"  and Agree to the Apple Terms of service.
  4. Now iOS 7.0 will begin "Downloading..." and should take about 20 minutes to update completely.
  5. Agree to Apples terms of service to Install iOS 7.0.
  6. Your iPhone or iPad will restart once iOS 7.0 installation has finished.

To sync your iOS 7.0 device to your computer make sure you download the latest iTunes 11.1 here:

Alternatively, to download and install the iOS 7.0 update from within iTunes do the following:

  1. Open iTunes version 11.1 or above.
  2. Connect your Apple iPhone or iPad device to your computer.
  3. Click on the 'iPhone' button in the upper right corner of iTunes
  4. In the "Summary" tab, click on 'Check for Update' button.
  5. Now if iOS 7.0 is available, step through the steps to download and install the latest operating system for you device.
  6. Agree to Apples terms of service to Install iOS 7.0.
  7. Your Apple device will restart once the iOS 7.0 installation has finished.





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