How to Monitor Twitter Keywords in Real-Time

by Updated April 6, 2009

Wouldn't it be cool if you could monitor Twitter conversations in real-time based on certain keywords.  Well guess what... you can, and the best part is it's super easy to do.  You don't even have to download and install any software.

A new website called allows you to "monitter" the conversations in the twitter world for a particular set of keywords and watch what people are saying in real-time. It really is quite cool...  The default settings allow you to monitor 3 keywords at once, but you can add (or remove) columns to monitter more keywords.  You can also change the dark themed background to a light theme if you so choose. Another neat feature, is the ability to Pause the live twitter stream in case updates are moving to quickly and you want to read what is being said.

So to start monitoring Twitter conversations for certain keywords in real-time, head on over to

Note: I did experience an issue while trying to view the site in IE 8, so if you are using Internet Explorer 8, you will have to click on the "Compatiblity View" button, to get to work correctly.  The site does appear to work correctly in Firefox.



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