How to Change Your Twitter Background Image

Create a customized Twitter theme for your account by uploading a background image.
by Updated April 15, 2010

Step by step on how-to change your Twitter background image to make a customized Twitter theme.

  1. Login to your Twitter account
  2. On the menu tab at the top, click on the "Settings" link.
  3. Now click on the "Design" tab.
  4. You'll be able to change the theme using Twitter's preset themes or using your own custom background image. In this example we will choose a custom image, so click on "Change background image »".
  5. Now click on the text that says "Browse..." to choose a file to upload from your computer.  Find an image that you want to use that is smaller than 800k. and is a GIF, JPG, or PNG, then click Open.
  6. Click on the box with your image (It's the one next to the box that says "Don't use a background image"). If you would like to tile the background, select "tile background".
  7. To finish, click "Save Changes" button, and you'll get a quick message saying "Your profile customization has been saved."

To see your new background image Twitter theme, you may have to refresh your browser.

Note: I received Twitter error messages after uploading my background image.  It appears that there are still some bugs with Twitter's upload code.



1 Comment

anonymous by Saras on 4/15/2010
me too! what happen to twitter? I want to change my background so badly T_T

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